What is a roof management specialist?

We are here to answer the question that we get asked from time to time.

What is a roof management specialist? Are you a contractor? Are you a consultant? What exactly do you do?

Well, the best way to answer that question is, it depends on each individual that we’re doing business with. What we do as roof management specialists is sit down with the people we work with and understand what their challenges are when it comes to managing the roof portfolio.

Whether it is:

  • emergency leaks

  • repairs

  • forecasting out CapEx

  • tracking historical spends

  • bid procurement

  • project management

  • Challenges that continue to give you headache after headache.

Our job is to figure out how to take that headache away from them.

To figure that out, we need to sit down with each individual and understand what those challenges are, such as problems that arise in their day-to-day.

We will come up with the right solution that's going to help them overcome those challenges, get past that headache, and actually begin to enjoy managing the roof.

That's our ultimate goal. It's definitely something we'd love to help you out with. Contact Us!

Jeff Broderick

Helping the commercial real estate industry not waste money on their roof by providing full lifecycle management control.


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