Quick Commercial Roof Management Calculation- Repair or Replace?

Should I repair or replace my commercial roof? Use this formula to help decide.

Step 1: Determine how much projected life remains for your commercial roof

Step 2: Divide the number of years remaining by 20 to determine the % of life remaining

Step 3: Now it is time to determine your diminishing on repairs percentage

Step 4: Calculate your total historical repair spend

Step 5: Add existing outstanding repair cost to the historical spend

Step 6: Historical plus outstanding repairs equals entire repair exposure

Step 7: Obtain a true budget number for replacement or recover of your commercial roof

Step 8: Divide your roof budget by the percentage of life remaining


Roof Budget $100,000

Remaining Life Percentage $-10%

Replacement Waste -$10,000

Step 9: Lastly, compare your entire repair exposure to your replacement waste total

If your repair exposure is less than your replacement waste total, consider commercial roof repairs.

If your replacement waste is lower than your repair exposure total, consider a commercial roof replacement.

If you need help with being able to gather the data required to effectively manage your roof portfolio, Contact Us for help.

Jeff Broderick

Helping the commercial real estate industry not waste money on their roof by providing full lifecycle management control.


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