Severe temperatures swings can affect your flat roof

In February 2021, a historic Arctic outbreak brought the most frigid air in decades, overwhelming Texas’s power grid and plastering the South with snow and ice. After about a week, most of the Lower 48 saw a surge of warmth. Some of the same places that were 50 degrees colder than normal shifted to 20 or more degrees above normal.

Businesses experienced a huge influx of water (and roof leaks), with the combination of snow melt and rain.

We recommend being proactive with your commercial roof maintenance.

Have a roof management expert like RoofOptions do an assessment, and identify emergency and remedial repair items to take care of. Have preventative roof maintenance done.

Taking care of your roof helps limit your life cycle repair costs and are ultimately going to allow your day-to-day business to not be impacted by the weather outside.

Jeff Broderick

Helping the commercial real estate industry not waste money on their roof by providing full lifecycle management control.


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